
A Broad Curriculum
At St. Pascal Regional, we teach the whole child — mind, body, and spirit. Our students are taught the traditional subjects of Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Language Arts and Social Studies from K through 5th grade. In addition, we still teach cursive handwriting, Music, Art, foreign language and Physical Education as part of our curriculum. This is further enhanced with the use of the latest technology and ongoing computer instruction. Daily religious instruction reinforces our morals and values and teaches our children to build character and to serve our community.
We Believe
- Spirit of Truth Religion curriculum from the Sophia Institute
- Catholic virtues teaching and memorization of Bible verses
- Students participation in student prayer buddy activities
- Celebration of our Lady of Guadalupe
- Celebration of the Feast of St. Pascal Baylon
We learn
- St. Pascal Regional Catholic School is fully accredited by the Minnesota Non-Public School Accrediting Association (MNSAA)
- HMH Into Math, CKLA/Amplify ELA Curriculum
- K-8 NWEA MAP tests taken in reading and math three times a year
- All students have an individual learning plan (ILP) created, updated, and referenced throughout the school year to help students succeed
We Love
- Responsive Classroom used as our social-emotional learning philosophy
- CASEL-based SEL Harmony curriculum
- City Connects program to support whole child development
- Nurtured Heart & Catalyst approach as classroom management strategies
We Connect
- Parent-teacher conferences three times a year
- Family engagement events
- Numerous volunteers to support students and teachers
- Student field trips and service projects